Awareness Month

Awareness. A topic highlighted during the month of October every year. This month we are celebrating Breast Cancer Awareness, World Mental Health Awareness, International Stuttering Awareness, and Global Diversity Month to name a few. These topics highlight some of the most important conversations in our society that can often go unnoticed. By acknowledging these issues, we are breaking down barriers and recognizing our own need to be informed and the need for growth in our knowledge to become AWARE.

But the real question is, how can you make a difference? How can you become more aware?  The first step to awareness is understanding problems/ideas that can fall by the wayside in your community and even the greater society. Awareness only comes when we recognize the times when we have forgotten about the issues that truly matter. So, I challenge you to consider how you can make a difference. You can take the steps to educate yourself on the issues that matter, look for resources to grow your understanding, or even go out into the world and volunteer! The possibilities are endless to get involved and become the advocate you know you can be. Small steps yield great results.

Awareness starts at the core of it all, your mind. When you open your mind to new ideas and perspectives you can grow not only your knowledge, but the knowledge of others as well. This month, I am volunteering at my favorite charity that supports and celebrates the struggles of others. So, tell me, what are you going to do to grow your awareness this month and beyond?

Delia is back!

This time the smart-witted fashionista from San Francisco has created an activity book. Doodling  with Delia is filled with games, puzzles, and fun designs to color.

As a stutterer Delia knows a calm mind increases fluency. She’s learned that doodling and coloring have a soothing effect on our emotions. It’s time to relax and enjoy—so grab your favorite colored pencils and let’s get started doodling with Delia!