Unexpected Bumps in the Road

If there is one universal truth it is this…. Expect the unexpected! Have you ever noticed that life can be floating along perfectly for a long time until BAM! Life gives you a dose of reality. We ask ourselves why? Life was clicking along nicely. Yet, the reminder hits us in the face like a ton of bricks. You have been floating along for too long, friend. We need to teach you something new.

That really sums it up. Life will float along but the bumps in the road are there for a reason. Our choices are endless but more often than not, the bumps are the unexpected life lessons that we need to learn and take to heart in order to get to the next chapter.

Do you remember a bump that felt so awful at the time but after reflection was just what you needed?

I think we have all been there. It is an old saying, but it is not about the destination. It is all about the journey and the lessons we learn along the way. Those lessons (or bumps) are the things that make us better people. 

So, the next time you are faced with a challenge, we encourage you to think about the benefits you will take from it and the ultimate triumph you will celebrate.  Don’t forget about the stories you will tell the next generation!

Stutterers know this very well. The bumps happen, but your reaction to the bumps will define your future.

Delia is back!

This time the smart-witted fashionista from San Francisco has created an activity book. Doodling  with Delia is filled with games, puzzles, and fun designs to color.

As a stutterer Delia knows a calm mind increases fluency. She’s learned that doodling and coloring have a soothing effect on our emotions. It’s time to relax and enjoy—so grab your favorite colored pencils and let’s get started doodling with Delia!